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Orly Halperin

Orly Halperin is a PhD student at the Science, Technology and Society program at Bar-Ilan. She holds an M.A. in Cultural Studies from the Open University, and a B.A. in Psychology from the Hebrew University. She is interested in the relationship between reproductive body technologies and the state, and intends to explore this topic through the analysis of the discourse of state-controlled/ state-monitored practices such as surrogacy, gender reassignment, and preimplantation gender selection. In her parallel life, Orly is a project coordinator in a big engineering management firm, and enjoys reading. Her favorite books are Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita (and it's old Hebrew translation, Hasatan Bemoskva), Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fford.

Orly Halperin
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