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Some answers to your questions


What is STS?

Science, Technology & Society (STS) is a relatively new academic field. Students and faculty in our STS program study a very broad spectrum of subjects from many different angles. Over the past several years, several concentrations of research have developed around a  group of issues that have especially captured the imaginations of students and faculty members. In most cases, these students and faculty have organized ongoing, informal study groups and forums around these areas of concentration. For more information, you can start with this brief descriptions of STS and History & Philosophy of Science (HPS), our constituent disciplines.

Who can apply?

The students in our program traditionally come from a wide array of disciplines, including the sciences, the humanities and the social sciences. We also have students who are returning to their studies after having worked (or while still working) in industry, public policy, advocacy, the law, conservation, high-tech, and many other fields. We encourage diverse backgrounds in our students, and feel that it lends greatly to the enrichment of the learning environment. For more information, see the admissions page.

I have a Bachelor degree. Should I apply?

Many of our students hold Masters degrees; however, strong candidates with Bachelor degrees are encouraged to apply. Click here for more information.

Are there course requirements?

Students with no background in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history, are required to complete up to three year-long courses (six “yearly hours”) in these subjects. The precise courses will be chosen by the student together with her or his faculty adviser, according to the interests and research goals of the students.

Students with no background in the science are required to complete up to three yearlong courses (six “yearly hours”) in these subjects. The precise courses will be chosen by the student together with her or his faculty adviser, according to the interests and research goals of the students.

The program demands that students participate in twenty “yearly hours” (forty semestrial hours) of courses and seminars, in addition to any prerequisite requirements. Among these are:


Core Courses and Seminars: These five courses and seminars are required for all program students:

  • Introduction to the History of Science, parts I and II

  • Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Parts I and II

  • Science, Technology and Society


Elective Courses and Seminars: These five courses or seminars may be chosen, in consultation with your faculty advisor, for any relevant courses taught in our program or throughout the university.

Students' prior academic experience will be taken into consideration when determining the final course load required.

Are there any other requirements?

Students in the program are required to submit to the faculty two seminar papers (which will typically have been written as part of a course or seminar). These papers must reflect the abilities of the student to research rigorously, write clearly and, especially, to think creatively.


Those students who want to pursue a PhD will be required to pass a comprehensive examination in Science, Technology and Society. The exam will be based on the independent reading of students of a list of seminal books in the field, to be determined jointly by the student and her faculty adviser. This list of books will be taken from a larger list of Important Works in Science, Technology and Society, Technology and Medicine.


Unless a special exemption is granted, to continue on to doctoral studies in the combined M.A.-Ph.D. program, students must attain an average of 90 in their coursework.

Can I come of the department colloquium even if I'm not enrolled? 

You are welcome to join us at our bi-monthly colloquium, which usually convenes on Sundays in our very Beit Hastudent on campus, but please drop us a line to introduce yourself and let us know you are coming.

Where can I get more information on the program?

For the latest on what's happening in the program, visit our news and events page. You can learn about some of our classes on our courses page. For information on applying, visit our admissions page. Feel free to also contact us with any question you may have.

©2020 The Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University.

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